El Dr. BERNARD NATHANSON, responsable del asesinato de 75,000 niños responde públicamente, se retracta y pide perdón.
¿A qué viene tanto miedo a hablar de Dios, a confesarse Cristiano...?
El guitarrista nicaragüense que tocó con sus pies para el Papa.
Nueve meses en cautiverio - Es el secuestro más largo de México - Escapó - Escondite en Puebla - Estuvo en un clóset - Se presume cometido por extranjeros, se atribuye a ETA - Nunca hablaron con él - Forma muy especial de secuestro -Familia dice no haber pagado - Otros dicen que sí hubo pago. - Pagos en el extranjero.
La actitud es todo. No importa lo que venga, nuestra actitud en la adversidad, ejemplar y gallallarda, es lo que Dios espera de nosotros. Impresionante testimonio, del que te ofrecemos el testimonio en vídeo. Disfrútalo. Recréalo.
Otras ya posteriores al secuestro y de los momentos del secuestro (filmadas por los secuestradores).
Otra entrevista más corta:
Yo no quiero ser borrego, quiero ser YO MISMO: SER GENUINO.
Una película de quince minutos, en la que el joven autor, Álvaro García Devís (14 años) busca subrayar la necesidad de ser auténtico por encima de todo. Una peli para comentar con los amigos o en clase.
Es interesante resaltar el lenguaje del símbolo y la continua alegoría: eso es la máscara.
Si la quieres obtener entera para verla y exponerla en tu ámbito pulsa aquí: La Máscara
Ofrecida en dos partes:
¿Descargar LA MÁSCARA?
En el Gran Festival de Cine del Pirineo Óscar 2008 recibió dos óscars al mejor Guión,
para Álvaro García Devís y al mejor Actor Secundario para Juan Marco Ferrando. Un papelón para los dos, pues es su primera peli: Felicidades.
Emilio Calatayud, POR FIN UN JUEZ CON JUICIO, abre la boca y nos deja boquiabiertos: no te lopierdas.
Esto es tiempo de calidad.
Fr. James, un misionero con misión sin llamarse misionero
Father James, Don Jesús Muñoz Chápuli, Sacerdote Católico, (además del Opus Dei) vivió treinta-y-muchísimos años en Nigeria, entre negritos. Todos le querían mucho. Un hombre con carisma, con fortaleza (sabía que toda su fortaleza era prestada) y con mucho amor a Dios.
Te pongo el enlace a una historia REAL de las que ponen la carne de gallina, que me tocó vivir con él en la Nigeria de los 90. Dios nos ayudó. Y Fr. James me enseñó mucho: nos ayudamos mutuamente... SI DIOS ESTÁ CON NOSOTROS ¿QUIÉN ESTÁ CONTRA NOSOTROS?
He aquí un vídeo testimonio suyo
Qué es el Purgatorio
El Teólogo Antonio Orozco Delclós nos ofrece una explicación de 12 minutos desde la humildad. Desbemos conocer que es toda una vida dedicada al estudio, a la oración y a la ayuda a los demás: son doce minutos de calidad.:
Cortometraje que pertenece a la película 'En el mundo a cada rato'. Rodado en Senegal con la ayuda de UNICEF, conduce al espectador al ... todos » mundo de Binta, una niña de siete años que pone en marcha una obra de teatro infantil para mostrar el deseo de su prima de ir al colegio.
Nick Cannon, un joven negro actúa de la concienca de su madre, pidiéndole no abortar...
"Can I Live"
(feat. Anthony Hamilton)
Talking Ma
I know the Situation is Personal
But it something that has to be told
As I was making this beat
You was all I could think about you heard my voice
[Verse 1]
Yeah Just think Just Think
What if you could Just
Just blink your self away..
Just Just wait just pause for a second
Let me plead my case
It's the late 70's Huh
You Seventeen huh
And having me that will ruin everything huh
It's alot of angels waiting on their wings
You see me in your sleep so you cant kill your dreams
300 Dollars thats the price of living what?
Mommy I dont like this clinic
Hopefully you'll make the right decision
And dont go through with the Knife incision
But it's hard to make the right move
When you in high school
How you have to work all day and take night school
Hopping off da bus when the rain is pouring
What you want morning sickness or the sickness of mourning
I'll Always Be a part of you
Trust Your Soul Know it's always true
If I Could Talk I'd Say To You
I'll Always Be a part of you
Trust Your Soul Know it's always true
If I Could Talk I'd Say To You
[Verse 2]
I am a child of the king
Ain't no need to go fear me
And I see the flowing tears so know that you hear me
When I move in your womb that's me being scary
Cause who knows what my future holds
Yo the truth be told you ain't told a soul
Yo you ain't even showing I'm just 2 months old
Through your clothes try to hide me deny me
Went up 3 sizes
Your pride got you lying saying ain't nothing but a migraine
It ain't surprising you not trying to be in Wic food lines
Your friends will look at you funny but look at you mommy
That's a life inside you look at your tummy
What is becoming ma I am Oprah bound
You can tell he's a star from the Ultrasound
Our Sprits Connected Doors Open Now
Nothing But Love And Respect Thanks For Holding Me Down She Let Me Live...
I'll Always Be a part of you
Trust Your Soul Know it's always true
If I Could Talk I'd Say To You
I'll Always Be apart of you
Trust Your Soul Know it's always true
If I Could Talk I'd Say To You
[Repeat 2]
[Nick Talking]
It's uplifting foreal yall
I ain't passing no judgement
Ain't making no decisions
I am just telling ya'll my story
I love life
I love my mother for giving me life
We all need to appreciate life
A strong woman that had to make a sacrifice
Thanks for listening
Thanks for listening
Mama thanks for listening
Common feat. Lauryn Hill
Retrospect For Life
[featuring lauryn hill]
Yo, we gotta start respectin life more yall
You look at your brother man you gotta see yourself
Gotta see the God within him
Brothers gettin changed real quick over nothin
We losin too many of ours
Gotta recreate yall
Yo, check it
Knowin you the best part of life, do I have the right to take yours
Cause I created you, irresponsibly
Subconciously knowin the act I was a part of
The start of somethin, Im not ready to bring into the world
Had myself believin I was sterile
I look into mothers stomach, wonder if you are a boy or a girl
Turnin this womans womb into a tomb
But she and I agree, a seed we dont need
You wouldve been much more than a mouth to feed
But someone, I woulda fed this information I read
To someone, my life for you I woulda had to leave
Instead I lead you to death
Im sorry for takin your first breath, first step, and first cry
But I wasnt prepared mentally nor financially
Havin a child shouldnt have to bring out the man in me
Plus I wanted you to be raised within a family
I dont wanna, go through the drama of havin a babys momma
Weekend visits and buyin js aint gon make me a father
For a while bearing a child is somethin I never wanted to do
For me to live forever I can only do that through you
Nerve I got to talk about them niggaz with a gun
Must have really thought I was God to take the life of my son
I could have sacrificed goin out
To think my homies who did it I used to joke about, from now on
Ima use self control instead of birth control
Cause $315 aint worth your soul
$315 aint worth your soul
$315 aint worth it
[lauryn hill (two layers of vocals, same words)]
I, never dreamed youd leave, in summer
You said you would be here when it rained
[common] yo
Why didnt you stay
Seeing you as a present and a gift in itself
You had our child in you, I probably never feel what you felt
But you dealt with it like the strong black woman you are
Through our trials and tribulations, childs elimination
An intergration of thoughts I feel about the situation
Back and forth my feelings was pacin
Happy deep down but not joyed enough to have it
But even thats a lie in less than two weeks, we was back at it
Is this unprotected love or safe to say its lust
Bustin, more than the sweat in somebody you trust
Or is it that we dont trust each other enough
And believe, havin this childll make us have to stay together
Girl I want you in my life cause you have made it better
Thinkin we all in love cause we can spend a day together
We talkin spendin the rest of our lives
Its too many black women that can say they mothers
But cant say that they wives
I wouldnt chose any other to mother my understanding
But I want our parenthood to come from planning
Its so much in my life thats undone
We gotta see eye to eye, about family, before we can become one
If you had decided to have it the situation I wouldnt run from
But Im walkin, findin myself in my god
So I can, discipline my son with my writin
Not have a judge tellin me how and when to raise my seed
Though his death was at our greed, with no one else to blame
I had a book of afrikan names, case our minds changed
You say your period hasnt came, and lately Ive been sleepy
So quit smokin the weed and the beadies and lets have this boy
[lauryn hill]
I, never dreamed youd leave in summer
You said you would be here when it rained
You said you would be here when it rained
Ohh i, never dreamed youd leave in summer
Now the situations made things change
Things change
Why, didnt you stay
Why didnt you stay...
I, never dreamed youd leave, in summer
In summer
You said you would be here when, it rained
When it rained, it rained
Ohhhohh i, never dreamed, youd leave in summer
You said you wouldnt leave
Now the situations made things change
Things change, why didnt you stay?
Stay, stay stay stay stay stay stay
Mmmmm, stayyy
Ohh why didnt you stay..
Una madre muy especial...
Padres explican qué pasa cuando les nace un hijo "especial"
Aprendamos unos de otros a mirar con los ojos de Cristo.
Un Papa que empujo el muro de Berlín hasta derribarlo, cosa que no hizo todo el poder de los Estados Unidos de América, ni toda la diplomacia de Europa juntas, no puede dejar de reírse, como un niño pequeño ante un payaso...
¡Qué bueno es hacerse niños delante del Creador!
La gran mentira del calentamiento global/ The Big Global Warmth Hoax
Una respuesta al trabajo político de Al Gore y sus corifeos.
THE WHOLE DOCUMENTARY, at a go, Spoken in English whith Spanish subtitles, can be accessed through this un-unbeadeable link: http://www.viddler.com/explore/unrebeldemas/videos/1/39.769
Spanish version:

Otherwhise you may have it here in eight parts:
Parte 1 de 8
Parte 2
Parte 3
Parte 4
Parte 5
Parte 6
Parte 7
Parte 8
Steve Jobs, creador de Apple: una historia que vale millones
Este es un vídeo especial, una historia de tenacidad. Una historia que debemos escuchar: se trata del famoso Discurso de Steve Jobs (fundador de Apple y de MacKintosh) en la Universidad de Stanford (subtitulos en español). 14 minutos que no tienen ni un segundo que perder.
Eduardo Verástegui - "Todos somos llamados a ser Santos"
Esta es la historia de una conversión a lo grande.
Parte I
Parte II